Dennis Mansell - President and CEO
Dennis founded AgilOptics in the year 2000. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Physics) from the Air Force Academy and a Master’s in Quantum Electronics from the University of Southern California.

Michael Schoen - Analog Circuit Design Engineer
Has 23 years experience in electronic engineering in the areas of motion control, power electronics, analog design, control systems, digital signal processing, digital/analog and microcontroller software and hardware design for airborne applications.

Harvey Packard - Software Engineer
Harvey has over 30 years experience in software engineering and real-time system control. He has redesigned, developed and tested all current AgilOptics’ MEMS DM Clarifi™ wavefront control software and manages and maintains all AgilOptics’ software.

Dawn Dyson - Production Manager
Dawn has 13 years experience in cleanroom processes in Microelectronics Research and Development. She works with our laboratory and assembly personnel to document and improve our fabrication processes, manages the commercial production line, and is the Customer Service and Sales Representative.

Donner Holten - Software Engineer
Donner has 13 years experience in programming and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He has experience working on many projects including a generic data reader/displayer and magnetic resonance imaging analysis software for the MIND Institute.

Roger Holten - Electro-Optical Technician
As a leading member of the Production Team, he is responsible for assisting Staff Members in development of commercial product and contract deliverables. His duties include design, assembly, and testing of electronic drives and devices and data acquisition, to name a few.

Bonnie Mansell - Chief Administrative Officer
Bonnie is responsible for the accounting operations, payroll, human resources, and security activities. With over 20 years experience in business she was AgilOptics' first employee hired in 2000.

Linda Price - Cleanroom and Assembly Technician
Linda is a student at CNM working towards a dual-degree for Manufacturing MEMS Technology and Electronics Technology with an emphasis on Process Control. She is currently involved in the development of procedures for cleanroom product as well as design, test and assembly of all electronic devices. She also serves as a technician and assistant to the Software Engineer and Production Manager.

Allister Hamilton - Cleanroom Technician

Allister is currently a student at the University of New Mexico obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering. As lead clean room technician, he has spearheaded the development and documentation for improved fabrication processes and quality control measures.

Josh Staples - Optical Engineer
Josh is a recent graduate of the University of Arizona with a bachelor’s of science degree in Physics. Josh provides technical expertise on several commercial projects, assists the Senior Scientists, and serves as Project Manager for government contracts.

Wesley Green – Senior Scientist
Mr. Green has 8 years experience in aerospace testing of large spacebased optical systems, opto-mechanical design, lightweight mirrors, metrology, and manufacturing processes, most recently working with the University of Arizona in a large active-optic system, overseeing all technical aspects of a $50M large active-optic test system.

Lana Schieber – Administrative Assistant
Lana is an integral part of the team that supports the CEO and CAO in their duties. She also serves as the AgilOptics Receptionist and provides assistance to staff members in Customer Service, Production and Inventory Management.