AgilOptics, Inc.
1717 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Suite 202
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 268-4742
Fax: (505) 268-4741
© 2007 AgilOptics, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Clarifast™ is AgilOptics'™ newest closed-loop adaptive optics system built around a membrane deformable mirror and a wavefront sensor. Clarifast™ includes an embedded microprocessor as part of the Hartmann wavefront sensor (HWFS). As the HWFS measures the phase errors in the user's beam, the microprocessor analyzes the errors into Zernike coefficients and instructs the DM to take the inverse shape in order to minimize the system errors. This lightweight, compact combination redefines the future of affordable adaptive optics!
ClariFast™ is so light and compact that it can be held with one unit in each hand!
Download the Clarifast™ Manual here.