AgilOptics, Inc.
1717 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Suite 202
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 268-4742
Fax: (505) 268-4741
© 2007 AgilOptics, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Mini-Cass™ is a modified Cassegrain telescope with an integrated, specialized deformable mirror for use in applications requiring laser wavefront control, free-space optical communications, and compensated imaging.
Mini-Cass™ is a convenient and rugged product suitable for wavefront compensation, beam focusing and active beam steering.
Light can be coupled directly from a laser or fiber optic cable into the rear of the Mini-Cass™. The Mini-Cass™ can also be used as a receiver to optimally concentrate light onto the tip of a fiber or a detector.
A standard 16mm membrane has been modified to allow a beam to pass through the center of the DM. The deformable mirror’s main function is to produce phase adjustments to an input beam with an aberrated phase front.