The D512USB™ is an extension of our D64USB™, in that there are 512 individually
addressable channels available instead of 64. Like the D64, universal communication is possible by way of USB 2.0 interface and a “type B” connector. Here are some of the features of the Drive:
- Allows the user to apply 512 new voltages (up to 300V) at 1600 updates per
second through a USB connection. Alternatively, the user can update up to 128
channels at 4 kHz.
- Drives all currently available AgilOptics mirrors (except Simpli™, which is a
self-contained mirror/driver unit)
- Compatible with AgilOptics software: High Voltage Digital Driver (HVDD),
Clarifi and Pattern Player. The user may also write driver software in C++ or
Labview with our Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Typical power consumption is <10W
- Utilizes sixteen 40-wire (32 active), 1”x18” Parlex ribbon cables (as pictured
above). The 3-inch diameter canister containing the Drive is 8” long.
- Powered with a 5v wall block power supply
- Compatible with AgiLight™ LED Test Board